
Amina Organic Tree Dried Baobab Powder - 8 oz

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The superfruit of superfruits! Baobab is a prehistoric tree of the African Savannah. Baobab is the only fruit in the world that dries naturally on its branch. It goes green and ripens like a normal fruit, but instead of dropping and spoiling, it stays on the branch and bakes in the sun for 6 months until the outside is hard like a coconut and the inside is completely dry. 

Unlike many other supplements it does not have to be spray-dried, freeze-dried, or transformed in any way. It is 100% pure fruit in its natural form and there are no additives whatsoever. 

Mix, Stir, and Sprinkle: It's great for shakes, smoothies, juice, water, salad, oatmeal, cereal, pancake, yogurt, ice cream, and baked goods (watch it in action here). Even add a dash to your coffee!

  • High in antioxidants (More than DOUBLE the antioxidant levels of acai and goji berries)
  • More than 6x antioxidant levels of cranberries, blueberries and pomegranates
  • Pre-biotic (Feeds the friendly probiotic bacteria) and 2x the Calcium of milk
  • 12x the fiber of apples, 3x the Iron of Spinach, and 6x the Vitamin C of Oranges
  • 6x the Potassium of a Banana. It's 100% Natural, Vegan, and Gluten Free.

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