Big Fork Brands

Big Fork Brands - The Original Chicago Sauce, 8 oz.

The 7 Toppings to a Chicago Hot Dog United Together Under One Lid - The Ultimate Hot Dog Sauce - Basically, the essence of Chicago in a bottle, minus Malört.

How: After a deep scientific study researching iconic hot dog stands throughout Chicago and painstakingly weighting out the condiments of a Chicago Dog, Big Fork Brands has discovered the perfect ratio of condiments to a Chicago Hot Dog.

Why: Why take the painstaking time of assembling the 7 ingredients of a classic Chicago hot dog when you can just use The Original Chicago Sauce?

Their Story: What started off as a simple way to sauce a sausage while competing in the 2011 Chiditarod (a must-do race for anyone ½ crazy) for five best buddies has turned into a mission to provide the essence of Chicago in a bottle (minus Malört).

Ways to use The Original Chicago Sauce:

  • Top your favorite encased meat, burger, chicken or veggie sandwich
  • Add to any salad such as potato salad, egg salad or chicken salad
  • Make The Chicago Marinade by soaking chicken, steak, pork, fish or veggies
  • Make The Chicago Vinaigrette by blending 1/2 cup The Original Chicago Sauce with 1 cup vegetable oil and 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • Make The Chicago Dip by mixing 1/2 cup The Original Chicago Sauce with 8 oz. sour cream
  • Make The Chicago Smear by combining 1/2 cup The Original Chicago Sauce with 8 oz. cream cheese
  • Make The Chicago Aioli by mixing 3 Tablespoons The Original Chicago Sauce with ½ cup Mayo
  • Think of it as Mustard on Steroids – wherever you might use mustard, elevate your cooking game and use Chicago Sauce

What are the 7 ingredients to a Chicago Hot Dog?

  1. Pickles
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Onions
  4. Yellow Mustard
  5. Sweet Relish
  6. Sport Peppers
  7. Celery Salt

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